Avon Tyrrell

Beat Blue Monday by getting outdoors

Avon Tyrrell

January 15th 2024 marks the bluest Monday, essentially the saddest day of the year. 

But how can you beat the January blues? Being outdoors is proven to improve mood by reducing feelings of stress.

Today has the dubious distinction of being the most depressing day of the year, and if you take a moment to think about it, it is not a surprise why. The hustle and bustle of the festive period has ended, we are back at work leaving home before the sun has risen and getting home when it is already dark. That, coupled with the chilly weather in full affect – it is no wonder that we spend less time outdoors, enjoy nature and getting fresh air.  

Many say that because of these things, January can feel like the longest month of the year and reports of feeling low, depressed, and sad on the 15th of January has given the day its name. However, what if we told you, we knew a way to minimise the darkness and sadness not only today, the most depressing day of the year, but throughout January and even into the rest of the year? 

Being outdoors is proven to improve mood and reduce feelings of stress, and whilst we agree that there is something nice about cosying up on the sofa with a warm cup of tea whilst the dark cold nights as the background – just spending 30 minutes outdoors can be really beneficial to our mental and physical health, whether you are an adult or child.  

So, what are the true benefits to being outside? 

Wondering how you can feel a little less blue? Check out our top tips and ideas to get you outdoors. 

1. Make the most of the natural daylight – that could mean spending time outdoors during your lunch or swapping an indoor meeting for the outdoors. Make sure you walk intentionally taking in the nature around you.  

2. Book in a family adventure outdoors. Sometimes trying something different is a great way to inspire you to be outdoors. Our Go Adventure 90-minute activities are back for weekends in January and cost just £15pp where you can take part in things like climbing, archery, high ropes and so much more.  

3. Get active! Can you walk, cycle, or run to work? Or swap an episode on the TV in the evening for a stroll around the block? Physical activity is a wonderful way to increase endorphins but what if we told you, you could double the endorphins just by being active outdoors? 

4. Book a camping trip. Now we understand you may not want to camp in the peak of winter but get ready for a staycation by booking a camping trip in the Spring where you can enjoy the outdoors for a longer period. ​

5. Adventure on two wheels – get to your local park or forest or beach and explore by bike. Live in the New Forest or visiting for a weekend? We offer full-day bike hire, where you can explore some great cycle tracks of the New Forest National Park straight from our site.   

We hope that with one of our tips you can have a happier blue Monday by enjoying the outdoors and reaping the benefits of spending time in nature.